Excercising Tips While on HCG Diet
Those on the HCG diet only get 500 calories per day, which is not enough to support an exercise regime, even though participants will not feel excess hunger and generally have good energy levels. Limited amounts of exercise are okay—20 minutes of walking, for instance—but those who insist on incorporating intense workouts while on the HCG diet could inhibit their weight loss by burning too much so fast that your body begins to save every calorie it takes in.
A Few Words of Wisdom
Congratulations for making up your mind to lose weight and live a healthier and happier life. We know you are excited to do the best possible on this program. We are excited for you too! However, you need to be wise and follow the plan exactly so you see the best results. We just said in the paragraph above that people who over exert themselves and try to exercise as they might normally do or think they should while trying to lose weight will not get the best possible results. Ask yourself, “Why burn myself out and not get the most out of the liquid HCG diet?” Trust us on this one. Take the drops two times a day spaced out evenly, eat the meal plan as we outline and if you want to exercise, limit it to no more than 20 minutes per day. Enjoy the results of living the liquid HCG diet!
08 May 2010
Can I exercise while I’m on the HCG Diet?
Posted by Picture Perfect at 6:48 PM