08 May 2010
Dr. Simeon’s HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) from the book Pounds and Inches and talked about in talked about in Kevin Trudeau's book The Weightless cure they do not want you to know about.
The "skinny" on the HCG diet...
* No injections required. HCG drops simply go under your tongue.
*For the same HCG diet doctors change $700 or more.
*No hunger on the HCG diet.
*No prescription required.
*NO doctor visit required.
*HCG is a natural hormone/ protein type of substance.
*Exercise is not needed to reduce weight on HCG diet.
*HCG is GOOD for you. It may prevent breast cancer.
*HCG is safe for WOMEN & MEN!
*With HCG you will not have flabby skin.
*HCG resets your hypothalamus.
*Your weight reduction is lasting.
Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is a naturally produced hormone found only in pregnant women and their fetuses and is what pregnancy tests look for. It was mislabeled in 1928 as “gonadotropic,” indicating a sex hormone, but has since been discovered to be a hormone “complex” that communicates with the anterior pituitary gland through the hypothalamus.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports that HCG helps to mobilize fat deposits that have formed around the hips, thighs, abdomen, and upper arms. Once this fat has become mobile within the body, it is available for use as a source of fuel. When HCG is combined with a very low-calorie diet, it makes abnormal fat available for consumption by the body, which reduces cravings and enables a person to stick to the diet and lose on average a pound per day.
HCG actually targets the hypothalamus in the brain, which regulates the digestive system’s ability to receive, coordinate, and respond to metabolic cues and signals from the digestive system. By integrating these metabolic signals, the hypothalamus tells us when we need to eat to maintain a metabolic (body weight) “set point,” much like a thermostat for your furnace. When administered in small daily doses, HCG helps to “mobilize” or make available for fuel the abnormal fat deposits that have formed around the hips, thighs, abdomen, and upper arms. This facilitates a “targeted” loss in people who, after a history of dieting, find it difficult to lose weight.
Those who lose weight quickly on other diets often have excess skin, commonly termed sagging. This is because, when looking for energy, your body looks for the easiest energy source first and finds structural and normal fat deposits. The loss of this tissue affects the shape and contour of the face and other parts of the body. Because HCG targets only abnormal fat deposits, the body’s structural and normal fat tissues are left intact.
In contrast to other forms of weight loss, the HCG diet produces a more immediately noticeable effect on the body, because all of the fat being burned is directly targeted at the common problem areas. In essence, HCG not only helps with weight loss, but also helps to reshape the body and maintain and even improve health through fat loss.
If you have any questions about the HCG diet please e-mail me at pictureperfecthcg@gmail.comtoday thank you.
Posted by Picture Perfect at 9:29 PM
Make your $$MONEY$$ back while you drop the weight. Picture Perfect HCG will pay you $10 for each referral that purchases a six week supply of HCG, or for ever three bottles sold to individuals referred by you.
HCG is $107 for one bottle, $214 for two bottles,$305 for three bottles, $400 for four bottles, $490 for five bottles, and $580 for six bottles. You will need three bottles to complete a six week round of the HCG diet. Each bottle last for two weeks. Payments can be made by using Paypal, money orders, Western Union, Money Gram, and cash.
Payments can be sent by using paypal and sending funds to (yapgyrl@yahoo.com) for your items or by clicking one of the paypal links.
If you have any questions please e-mail me at pictureperfecthcg@gmail.com
Thank you for your business and ENJOY your new body!

Posted by Picture Perfect at 9:27 PM
What is HCG?
In medical terms, HCG is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. A “naturally occurring hormone” is produced during a women’s pregnancy by the developing embryo soon after conception and later is found in the placenta.
Through a series of trials and experiments on thousands of patients, Dr. Simeon found that the best results were achieved by restricting the patient’s daily diet to a low Calorie diet and giving a small dose of HCG. The conclusion was that patients lost an average of one pound per day. Patients had a reduced appetite and could comfortably go about their normal occupations. “It was also perfectly evident that only Abnormal Fat was being consumed, as there were no signs of any depletion of Normal Fat. Their skin remained fresh and gradually their figures became entirely normal.”
How does this happen? Dr. Simeon explains that a woman may gain weight during pregnancy, but she never becomes obese in the strict sense of the word. Her body is under the influence of the HCG, which circulates in enormous quantities in her body during pregnancy, Abnormal Fat deposits are never formed. At delivery, she is suddenly deprived of HCG and Abnormal Fat starts to leave fixed fat deposits. HCG has been medically known for more than eighty years.
Posted by Picture Perfect at 9:13 PM
What is the difference between structural, normal, and abnormal fat?
Structural fat fills the gaps between various body structures and acts as a sort of packing material for delicate organs like the kidneys and coronary arteries. It also keeps the skin smooth and taut, as well as providing the springy cushion of hard fat under the bones of the feet, which is necessary for walking.
Normal fat is a freely available fuel that is deposited all over the body. Both structural and normal fat, even at full capacity, cannot produce obesity.
Abnormal fat is the accumulation of fat that an overweight person carries and is deposited all over the body, though it mostly accumulates on the hips, buttocks, abdomen, upper arms, and thighs. Although it is a potential fuel reserve, it is not available to the body in a nutritional emergency until the body has first depleted its structural and normal fat stores.
Posted by Picture Perfect at 9:01 PM
Common HCG Questions
Can I take the drops longer than 40 days?
You can take them up to 40 days and as few as 20, but you must then take a break for however many days you were on the drops before you start another session. This is to make sure your body doesn’t become immune to the HCG. You will need three bottles to go a full 40-day round.
How much weight can I expect to lose on the program?
On average, women lose 20 to 30 pounds per month and men lose about 30 to 40 pounds per month. Some people lose as many as 10 to 12 pounds the first week, but the average is 5 to 7 pounds or a pound a day.
Does the weight loss slow down?
Often a large amount of weight is lost in the first month, and then the actual pounds seen on the scale decreases in a more gradual, stairstep fashion. Both pounds and inches are continuously lost while on the program, and after a period of time most people experience another large drop on the scale, in clothes size, or both.
Is HCG safe for men?
HCG is found in the tissue of both fetus (of either gender) and mother during pregnancy. Dr. Simeons actually developed the HCG diet for obese boys, and men get even faster results and tend to lose more weight than women on the program.
What if I am taking medications?
Always talk to your prescribing doctor before starting a weight-loss program or before stopping medications. In general, HCG does not interact with any medications, including the pill and birth control injections; however, people on hormone replacement therapy, steroids, seizure medications, and other prescriptions with “weight gain” as a possible side effect do not typically report positive results if they continue taking such medications on this protocol. Once again, talk to your prescribing doctor before beginning any weight-loss program.
What if I become pregnant?
First of all, congratulations! The HCG diet is not for pregnant women, and you should stop the program and consult your physician if you become pregnant while on it.
Is it OK to skip a meal or protein at one of my meals?
No. For the diet to be effective, it’s important to eat all 500 calories each day, and especially protein to prevent muscle loss.
Can you split up your fruits and eat them when you want?
You get two fruits each day and can eat them for breakfast or as a snack.
Will three bottles be enough for a full round?
Yes, it is enough for either the minimum 23 days or for the full 40-day program.
Is it normal to get headaches during the first week?
Light headaches during the first week are common because your body is releasing fat cells very rapidly and you will be going through a major detox. Take aspirin or Tylenol as long as they’re not sugar coated.
Can I drink alcohol on the HCG diet?
The original HCG diet protocol by does not mention alcohol.
Why is HCG called the weight-loss “cure”?
HCG is called a “cure” by some because it “reprograms” your body to use stored abnormal fat for energy when calories are reduced for a period of time. It helps you maintain your new weight, rather than regaining the pounds you lost.
Is it healthy to lose 1 to 2 pounds a day with HCG?
HCG weight loss studies have shown that weight lost following the Simeons protocol comes directly from adipose fat tissue rather than lean muscle. In doing so, the weight lost comes directly from fat and does not strip the body of much needed muscle, vitamins or minerals essential to maintain good health, while at the same time, releasing excessive amounts of fat-stored nutrients into the blood stream to be absorbed by the body. For this reason, HCG dieters report a feeling and appearance of great health and marvel at the loss of negative health risks they had as an overweight individual.
Why is the 500-calorie/Very Low Calorie Diet important?
HCG causes your hypothalamus to mobilize the fat out of the fat storage locations so that it’s available for use. While you are only consuming 500 calories, your hypothalamus is continually releasing the fat stored in your body. Because of this, your body is actually operating on thousands of calories a day. The result is your body using thousands of calories of fat from your body each day, the reason HCG dieters lose 1 to 2 pounds of fat or more, per day.
Will I be hungry on 500 calories a day?
It is common for mild hunger during the first few days. However this will pass by the 2nd week. You will find even very tiny servings, to be completely satisfying. This is partly due to your hypothalamus adjusting your metabolic rate, but largely due to the amount of calories circulating in your system from the fat being released. It is common that HCG dieters feel as though they are stuffing themselves in order to reach that 500 calorie limit.
Will I gain weight after I stop the HCG protocol?
After the HCG diet, you will find your appetite has changed, your eating behavior will be changed and your body will, of course, have changed. This is the perfect opportunity to adopt that healthy lifestyle to maintain your weight. You will find a minimum amount of exercise will be sufficient for maintaining a very healthy body-from yoga, to 20minutes of cardio a day, or whatever you enjoy that gets your heart moving. With your hypothalamus reset, your metabolism will be different and you will be able to eat moderately without feeling the need to overeat.
Posted by Picture Perfect at 9:00 PM
HCG health benefits?
Dr. A.T.W. Simeons wrote a book called Pounds and Inches for other doctors and he states that HCG causes a change in metabolism. Doctors from all over the world have come to Italy to study the HCG method, first hand in his clinic in the Salvador Mundi International Hospital in Rome.
He states HCG makes your body mobilize fat out of the fat storage locations. Weight loss comes from adipose tissue, not muscle. And HCG does not strip the body of vitamins and minerals. And if you follow the diet, you can keep that weight off!
• Assists patients in shedding up to 30+ pounds over a5-6 week period.
• Cholesterol: When the total amount of circulating cholesterol is normal before treatment, this absolute amount is neither significantly increased nor decreased. But when an obese patient with an abnormally high cholesterol and already showing signs of arteriosclerosis is treated with HCG, his blood pressure drops and his coronary circulation seems to improve, and yet his total blood cholesterol may soar to heights never before reached
• Blood Sugar: Assists in normalizing blood sugar levels. The blood sugar continues to drop from day to day and often reaches normal values in 2-3 weeks
• Rheumatism: All rheumatic pains, even those associated with demonstrable bony lesions, seem to improve
subjectively within a few days of treatment, and often require neither cortisone nor salicylates.
• Blood Pressure: When the blood pressure is abnormally high, and provided there are no detectable renal lesions, the pressure drops, as it usually does in pregnancy
• Psoriasis, Fingernails, Hair: Psoriasis greatly improves during treatment but may relapse when the treatment is over. Most patients spontaneously report a marked improvement in the condition of brittle fingernails. The loss of hair not infrequently associated with obesity is temporarily arrested
• Improves skin elasticity.
• Dramatically reduces the appearance of cellulite.
• Results in the disappearance of food cravings.
• Increases energy levels.
• It is safe and healthy.
Posted by Picture Perfect at 8:54 PM